Sunday, May 4, 2008

18 yr. old Nicaraguan-Chinese American male

Q: Were you born in the U.S.? If not, where were you born?

A: Yes

Q: What different cities, states, and/or countries have you lived in?

A: Vallejo CA

Q: Involvements in clubs or organizations (ethnic or non-ethnic apply):

A: Swim team, Band, and Church choir.

Q: What gives purpose to your life?

A: I believe that my purpose in live is to tell people about God, lead a successful life, and raise a family.

Q: What relationships have been of major significance to you?

A: The relationship that has been and still is a major significance to me is the relationship between my girlfriend and me. My girlfriend and I have been going out since Sep. 15, 2006 and this relationship has changed my life in the way that I act, think, and do things according to school. Ever since I entered this relationship I have learned to love someone and I have learned to become more responsible with school.

Q: What language do your parents speak at home? What is their predominant language on an everyday basis?

A: At home my parents speak English. But my mother's predominant language was Spanish and my father's was Cantonese.

Q: What languages do you speak? What language do you speak most at home?

A: The language that I speak from a day to day basis is English and Spanish. I mostly speak English at home though.

Q: Have you ever dated outside of your ethnicity?

A: I am dating outside of my ethnicity at the moment, and I think that I would be open to dating another person with a different ethnicity is because both my parents are not of the same ethnicity.

Q: What is your educational status?

A: My educational status is a high school student, entering a university in the Fall of 2008.

Q: How do you define success in general?

A: I believe that success is when you have reached a goal you have set for yourself in the past.

Q: Throughout your time in school, how often did you encounter people who assumed you were smart because you were Asian?
A: I think that people think it when I complete my work faster than others, answer questions, or help someone. But only couple times someone has actually said something about me being Asian and smart.

Q: Have you visited the country or countries of your ethnic origin/s? How knowledgeable are you about the history of the country or countries?

A: No I have not visited the country or countries of my ethnic origins. I do not have any knowledge of the history of the countries

Q: Do you feel a sense of belonging when you are in the company of people, a majority who are of your ethnic group? How strongly do you feel this on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very strongly)?

Do you feel a sense of belonging when you are in the company of people, a majority who are Asian?

A: I think that I feel belonging to both Hispanic and Asian people, but more with Asian people. With both I feel that I belong very well, so I guess I’ll go with 5

It would also be a 5.

Q: Do you listen to music, watch movies, eat the food of your ethnic country or countries? How often do you do these things on a regular basis on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very often)?

A: I don’t listen to music, or watch moves from my ethnic countries but I do eat the food! =]
I used to eat my ethnic countries' food all the time but now it has just lead to what my mom makes at home or Japanese food after working at 2 Japanese restaurants haha.

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