Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"My American identity, My Everyday Life"- 30 yr. old Chinese American female

* the one bush place building the background, my favorite skyscraper in san francisco.

*muni bus - as much as I complain about its lameness, I like encountering all sorts of people and being challenged to (hopefully) not live in my own bubble...it's hard not be challenged when the bus drives through mid market area. the 6 is my usual bus home

*my journal (opened to a blank page - I'm more forward than backward looking), and my bible (it seems cliche-y but despite the many faults of the church, I really love the type of person that jesus is). that gives meaning to my life, I suppose.

*a protest for rent control rights in front of city hall. I really cherish the fact that we can freely speak our mind here, have a mostly working legal system, and have full rights as a woman of color. (I wanted to include a picture of my church choir - it is a real interesting mix of people and I love watching them. unfortunately I dashed out of the house on sunday morning without a camera, and couldn't find pictures on the web..sorry =(

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