Saturday, May 10, 2008

27 yr. old Chinese American female

Q: Were you born in the U.S.?
A: Yes

Q: What different cities, states, and/or countries have you lived in?
A: NY and CA

Q: Which do you consider your hometown ('the place you most consider home')

Q: Involvements in clubs or organizations (ethnic or non-ethnic apply):
A: LGBT, Philantropy organizations

Q: What do your parents do?
A: Secretary and restauranteur

Q: What is the racial and ethnic background of your closest friends? If they are of multiple ethnic backgrounds feel free to indicate their backgrounds.
A: They are all varied in background: Caucasian, African American, Latino, Indian, Asian, European, etc.

Q: When and how did you become aware of concepts of your race and/or ethnicity?
A: At home through family. And in elementary school through peers. Family gives you a base. Peers, especially those who aren't from the same background, allow you to see differences.

Q: What languages do you speak? What language do you speak most at home?
A: English, Chinese, Spanish. English predominantly but will speak a bit of Chinese when I see my family.

Q: Have they ever expressed career expectations for you? What were those expectations?
A: No specific expectations, as long as I become "successful." Haha.

Q: What is your educational status?
A: Bachelor's Degree in progress.

Q: How do you define academic success?
A: When you can apply what you learn and possibly teach what you know to another (whether or not you are in fact, a teacher).

Q: Throughout your time in school, how often did you encounter people who assumed you were smart because you were Asian?
A: Many times...even though I am quite a genius. (Kidding). Example: "Just ask her, she knows."

Q: Have you visited the country or countries of your ethnic origin/s?
A: NO, but would like to.

Q: How knowledgeable are you about the history of the country or countries?
A: Not very, to my shame.

Q: Do you feel a sense of belonging when you are in the company of people, a majority who are of your ethnic group? How strongly do you feel this on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very strongly)?
A: 3. It's like being with any ethnic group...unless the specific group is very radical in thoughts, beliefs, etc.

Q: Do you feel a sense of belonging when you are in the company of people, a majority who are Asian? How strongly do you feel this on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very strongly)?
A: 3.

Q: Do you listen to music, watch movies, eat the food of your ethnic country or countries? How often do you do these things on a regular basis on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very often)?
A: 3.

Q: If you were born in America, did anyone ever assume you weren't American because you are Asian?
A: No.

Q: Do you believe that one's emotional needs are less important than fulfilling one's responsibilities?
A: Sometimes, depends on the situation. Examples: If you have a child to take care of and you want to go out on a date, you shouldn't ditch your child. If your sister passes away, go ahead and take some time off work.

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