Monday, May 12, 2008

23 yr. old Chinese-Irish-Polish-Dutch American female

Q: Were you born in the U.S.?
A: Yes, I was born in Teneck, NJ

Q: What different cities, states, and/or countries have you lived in?
A: Teneck, New Jersey, Savannah, Georgia, Charleston, South Carolina, Danville, California, Oakland, California

Q: Which do you consider your hometown ('the place you most consider home'):
A: My home is with my family, I havent always had an affinity for the places that I have lived. I suppose the bay area because I appreciate the diversity.

Q: Involvements in clubs or organizations (ethnic or non-ethnic apply):
A: No.

Q: Parents' occupation:
A: Father: Sales, OOCL

Q: What is the racial and ethnic background of your closest friends? If they are of multiple ethnic backgrounds feel free to indicate their backgrounds.
A: I love everyone. I get along with anyone really, a lot of my close friends have been half Asian. Half-Guamanian, Eleanor, Half Japanese, Brittany. Chinese-Vanessa (you! love) I have dated a lot of Spanish men, probably because of the juxtaposition in cultures, particularly South American. I have friends who are Persian, African American and Caucasian. I think I relate to people of mixed cultures a lot not only because I am but because it interests me.

Q: When and how did you become aware of concepts of your race and/or ethnicity?
A: I became painfully aware of my race growing up in the South at a very young age. My earliest memory was when I was 5, and the teasing at school, name calling, jokes, diddies......... (Chinese Japanese dirty knees look at these) hahahaa. eh. yeah. Now as an adult, I am starting to understand the historical and political views of my race/ethnicity. I never really grew up anywhere with a strong Chinese community, nor did I grow up around my Chinese half of my family so it was definitely something that i learned about later on in life. I took a history of California class a couple years ago and that was quite educational. Defintely the media and people's personal opinions and views are the biggest forms of awareness, and unfortunately a lot of them are stigmas sometimes.

Q: What language do your parents speak at home? What is their predominant language on an everyday basis?
A: English

Q: What languages do you speak? What language do you speak most at home?
A: English, I can understand Spanish but not speak it confidently.

Q: Do you feel like their expectations of gender roles are 'traditional'?
A: Yes, at times. Perhaps my extended family moreso than my immediate family.

Q: Have they ever expressed career expectations for you? What were those expectations?
A: I think that my father (who is Chinese) has very high expectations for me, which can be stressful at times, as I am a very indecisive. Overall they want for me to be happy, successful and self sufficient. But happiness is not always monetary.

Q: Have you ever dated outside of your ethnicity?
A: Yes, I dated a South American boy for 5 years.

Q: If you answered yes, did your parents accept and respect your choice?
A: Yes.

Q: What is your educational status?
A: I have an AA and have taken a hiatus from school. However, I fully intend on finishing school and have a high regard for education, I am just a bit indecisive.

Q: How do you define academic success?
A: I think academic success is pretty much what you put into it. Studying something you truly love and appreciate and are ultimately going to help other people with.

Q: How do you define success in general?
A: experience, happiness, and creating something you truly love with integrity.

Q: Throughout your time in school, how often did you encounter people who assumed you were smart because you were Asian?
A: I heard a lot of people saying that but I never felt that those stigmas applied to me because i am horrible at math.

Q: Have you visited the country or countries of your ethnic origin/s?
A: Yes, I visited Hong Kong 2 summers ago but I would really like to visit China moreso.

Q: How knowledgeable are you about the history of the country or countries?
A: I am probably not as knowledgeable as I should be.

Q: Please list at least 3 feelings you had while visiting.
A: Disconnection because of not understanding the language. Excitement for being in a foreign country. An affinity for the people and the surroundings.

Q: On average, how long did it take before you felt others knew you were American?
A: I was recognized as American probably immediately.

Q: If you were born in America, did anyone ever assume you weren't American because you are Asian?
A: No, but since I grew up in the South a had multiple uneducated or racist people tell me that I was not American.
Q: How were you treated?
A: I was treated like an alien.

Q: Do you feel a sense of belonging when you are in the company of people, a majority who are of your ethnic group? How strongly do you feel this on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very strongly)?
A: 3

Q: Do you feel a sense of belonging when you are in the company of people, a majority who are Asian? How strongly do you feel this on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very strongly)?
A: 3

Q: Do you listen to music, watch movies, eat the food of your ethnic country or countries? How often do you do these things on a regular basis on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very often)?
A: I enjoy Asian cinema and food. 4

Q: If you were born in America, did anyone ever assume you weren't American because you are Asian? (same question posed above, but this applies to experiences in America). Please give a brief description of this incident.
A: Yes, I have. When I was living in the South Carolina I had quite a few incidents. One I remember vividly though was when I was at a friend's house and her older sister's boyfriend called me a "chink". He also told me that I was not American. Him and I argued that night over what being an American was.

Q: Do you believe that one's emotional needs are less important than fulfilling one's responsibilities?
A: That is a tricky question, I believe that one's emotions are uncontrollable, and if one ignores or does not understand and tap into their emotions it will wind up catching up with them sooner or later.

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