Wednesday, May 14, 2008

31 yr. old Japanese American female

Q: Were you born in the U.S.?
A: Yes

Q: What different cities, states, and/or countries have you lived in?
A: Castro Valley, Hayward, Pleasanton, San Francisco; California, Illinois, and Idaho.

Q: Which do you consider your hometown (‘the place you most consider home’): A: Pleasanton, CA.

Q: Involvements in clubs or organizations (ethnic or non-ethnic apply):
A: Psi Chi, CJSA, PSSA, JusticeCorps, SFUL- San Francisco Ultimate League, etc.

Q: Parents’ occupation:
A: Father is a dentist (general practitioner) and my mother is the office manager to his practice (the backbone).

Q: What relationships have been of major significance to you?
A: My family of course, we are extremely close, and a close friendship with a girl named Laura and my boyfriend Michael.

Q: What is the racial and ethnic background of your closest friends? If they are of multiple ethnic backgrounds feel free to indicate their backgrounds.
A: Most of my friends are white/European mutts. I don't really have any close friends that are Asian.

Q: When and how did you become aware of concepts of your race and/or ethnicity?
A: Embarrassing as this will sound, I grew up in a white dominant area, never once was I told that I was different. Always viewed myself as being white… until fairly recently, in my mid 20's. I've been told jokingly by my friends that I am "white-washed".

Q: What language do your parents speak at home? What is their predominant language on an everyday basis?

A: English, and when things get heated, sometimes Japanese. (rarity)

Q: What languages do you speak? What language do you speak most at home?
A: English

Q: Do you feel like their expectations of gender roles are ‘traditional’?
A: Yes

Q: Have you ever dated outside of your ethnicity?

A: Yes, my boyfriend is a European Mutt.

Q: If you answered yes, did your parents accept and respect your choice?
A: Not necessarily… (it's not because of his race, it is because he is in between jobs right now).

Q: What is your educational status?

A: AA soon to have dual BA's- Criminal Justice and Psychology…

Q: How do you define academic success?

A: The knowledge that I take away with me after I am finished and of course, good grades.

Q: Throughout your time in school, how often did you encounter people who assumed you were smart because you were Asian?

A: A few times too many- some idiot cheated off my scantron in my economics class at Cal State Hayward. We were called in b/c our answers were identical. I knew the professor so he was more lenient on me… not sure what happened to the idiot who copied me.

Q: Have you visited the country or countries of your ethnic origin/s?

A: Yes, numerous of times.

Q: How knowledgeable are you about the history of the country or countries?
A: Fairly knowledgeable.

Q: Please list at least 3 feelings you had while visiting.
A: Excitement, educational, and fun!

Q: On average, how long did it take before you felt others knew you were American?
A: Minutes…Seconds.

Q: If you were born in America, did anyone ever assume you weren’t American because you are Asian?
A: Not that I am aware of.

Q: How were you treated?
Oh wait, YES! At Cal State Hayward, there are a lot of Asians who are not fluent in English. I remember being in line at the admin building for the registrars. The lady was real frustrated b/c she just dealt with a girl who didn't speak a dime of English. When she saw me step forward after the other gal left, she rolled her eyes and assumed I couldn't speak English as well. At first I was going to mess with her and talk broken language, but instead I spoke to her normally and she did a triple take. I think that was more of an eye opener for her… (At first I was pissed, but then realized if placed in the same situation, I probably would have felt the same way).

Q: Do you feel a sense of belonging when you are in the company of people, a majority who are of your ethnic group? How strongly do you feel this on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very strongly)?

A: No, not at all. 1

Q: Do you feel a sense of belonging when you are in the company of people, a majority who are Asian? How strongly do you feel this on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very strongly)?
A: 1

Q: Do you listen to music, watch movies, eat the food of your ethnic country or countries? How often do you do these things on a regular basis on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very often)?
A: I love Japanese food, I would eat it every day if it weren't so gosh darn expensive. I do not listen to the music nor do I watch TV/movies. I can't understand them.

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