Saturday, May 10, 2008

19 yr. old Chinese American female

Q: Were you born in the U.S.?
A: Yes

Q: What different cities, states, and/or countries have you lived in?
A: I have only lived in one, San Mateo

Q: Involvements in clubs or organizations (ethnic or non-ethnic apply):

A: None

Q: What is the racial and ethnic background of your closest friends? If they are of multiple ethnic backgrounds feel free to indicate their backgrounds.

A: Most of my friends are Asian America and are Chinese, Japanese, and Korean

Q: When and how did you become aware of concepts of your race and/or ethnicity?

A: I became aware of my ethnicity when I was at a young age. My parents would make sure that I knew my background and what culture I take part in. I also realized it when I had gone to Chinese School.

Q: Have your parents ever expressed career expectations for you? What were those expectations?

A: My parents have always wanted me to do what I love the most and to happy with what I do. I know that sometimes they do ask me if I have ever considered going another path so that I could make more money, but they have never pushed or forced me to do something that I didn’t want to do.

Q: Have you ever dated outside of your ethnicity?

A: Yes.

Q: If you answered yes, did your parents accept and respect your choice?

A: Yes, it doesn’t bother them ethnicity-wise when I am dating someone just as long as they treat me well and respect me.

Q: Throughout your time in school, how often did you encounter people who assumed you were smart because you were Asian?

A: There have been many times that people have assumed that I was smart because I am Asian. I think that people only see that because they follow the stereotype. I have always done well on my math homework and my roommate would always come and ask me to help her and she only asked me because she thought I was good at math because I was Asian.

Q: Have you visited the country or countries of your ethnic origin/s?

A: Yes

Q: How knowledgeable are you about the history of the country or countries?

A: Somewhat knowledgeable

Q: Please list at least 3 feelings you had while visiting.

A: excitement, amazed, and guarded

Q: If you were born in America, did anyone ever assume you weren’t American because you are Asian?

A: No because they can tell by my actions and the way I speak.

Q: Do you feel a sense of belonging when you are in the company of people, a majority who are of your ethnic group? How strongly do you feel this on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very strongly)?

A: I feel a sense of belonging with any ethnic group. I get along with any ethnic group and I give it a 3 or 4 because I do believe most people feel a sense of belonging within their own ethnic group, but I don’t really feel that way at all.

Q: Do you listen to music, watch movies, eat the food of your ethnic country or countries? How often do you do these things on a regular basis on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all, 5 being very often)?

A: I usually eat the food and watch movies of my ethnicity, but never listen to music. I would give it a 3 because I don’t usually eat Chinese food all the time or watch Chinese movies all the time.

Q: If you were born in America, did anyone ever assume you weren’t American because you are Asian?

A: I don’t remember a time where someone thought I wasn’t American because I am Chinese.

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